Claire Wasserman

Claire Wasserman

Panel moderator Claire Wasserman, Founder, Ladies Get Paid

Claire Wasserman is the founder of Ladies Get Paid, an organization that seeks to close the wage and leadership gap though career development. Since its launch in 2016, Ladies Get Paid has grown to 30,000 members in all 50 states and more than 60 countries.

Claire has collaborated with Nike, WeWork, and Squarespace and was chosen as one of Bumble’s 100 Most Inspiring New Yorkers. She is on the Well + Good Council, and is the producer and host of the podcast, Lady Talk.

Prior to Ladies Get Paid, Claire was the Director of Marketing at Working Not Working, a curated network of creative professionals. She was also the editor of Amaphiko, Red Bull’s platform for social entrepreneurs.

Last year, Claire traveled across US hosting town halls for thousands of women to talk about money, work, and self-worth. She is currently writing a book about her experience.

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